France Stay offers its services
to welcome Student Groups
France Stay has developed a very important network of host families in Paris, Intra Muros, selected with great care.
The families are happy to welcome you. Sharing their culture and exchanging with the students is not only a duty for them, but above all a tradition.
- Group "bookings" must be made at least 1 to 2 months in advance, for better organisation from a geographical point of view.
France Stay invites its host families to pick up their students when the buses arrive. To facilitate the arrival of the students, the meeting place in Paris is organized in front of the steps of the Paris Opera House, a place that allows the coaches to park very punctually.
- PROVIDE for the purchase of young people's NAVIGO cards for the metro, in advance.
France Stay provides you with a whole procedure of steps to follow,
to make it easier, manage the hosting of your group.
For groups : Quote on request
Ask for a quotation